Tuesday, July 01, 2008

July 2008 - English

This Newsletter is a little shorter than normal, and I hope to revert to its normal length again in August. The bible reading plan on the back page aims to cover the New Testament once each year and the Old Testament over a period of three years. This means that this month we start to read the New Testament again. If you would like to continue reading the Old Testament as well, please ask for the supplementary reading plan.

Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. (Luke 9:23-24) One of the delights of following the Lord is that He turns everything that we know upside down. What we thought of as something to be feared, God, in His infinite wisdom, has made into something that gives us hope. Death is something that we grow up fearing, until we realise that God has made death the answer to the condition of our heart. By yielding our life to Christ and being ‘baptised into His death’ we can now ‘walk in newness of life.’ By ‘losing our life’ in this way; instead of losing it we ‘save it!’ Similarly, having started our new life in Christ in this manner, we find an answer to conflicts and difficulties by ‘taking up our cross’ and ‘dying to self’ on a daily basis. This sets us free from the selfish way of life that so often exhaust us and enables us to relate to one another!

Finally, I had my attention drawn to a wonderful article by AW Tozer called, ‘The New Birth is a Mystery’. If you have not yet discovered AW Tozer as a Christian writer, he is well worth getting to know.