Why do we need to be saved? Well, look around the world today, read the newspapers, watch the television news, there is so much that is wrong. We are all subject to a power that works in us and leads us to do things we should not do. That power is sin and only Jesus can set a person free from its power and its ability to bring death and destruction! No wonder Jesus said to a religious leader, “You must be born again.” We all need to have a new nature in order that we can live Godly and righteous lives.
All you need to do, at this Christmas time, is to receive this most precious of gifts; you must turn away from sin, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and receive the Holy Spirit of God. Do it now! And you will have a new life! To hear more about God’s wonderful gift to us, please come and join us for our two Christmas services:
- Christmas Celebration: 10:00 Sunday 21st December
- Christmas Eve Service: 15:00 Wednesday 24th December.
We meet at the TanzZentrum Dresden, Schwerinerstr 56 near Bahnhof Mitte. All are welcome! Our services are in both German and English.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
International Christian Assembly