Monday, December 01, 2008

December 2008 - English

“...and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.” . (Matt 1:21) The angel includes these words when comforting Joseph about Mary. They explain why the child to be born must be called Jesus, for this word means saviour. The angel leaves Joseph in no doubts about the salvation that Jesus will bring. It is not from the centuries of uncertainty that the Jewish people had experienced, it is not from the Roman occupiers, it is not even from the binding traditions, though the latter will form part of the salvation. But it is from SIN! Even in this conversation, such a part of the Christmas Story, God is concerned to make clear the reason for Jesus’ incarnation.

Jesus fulfilled His purpose in a two fold manner. Firstly, He saves people from the condemnation that was rightly due because they had broken God’s laws. Instead of them paying the price, which was beyond them, Jesus would pay it by dying on the Cross; all may have their sins forgiven! Secondly, He provided a deliverance from the love of sin so that His people would no longer be subject to it’s power and could live free from sin and instead live holy and righteous lives pleasing God.

Now you know why Christmas is such a happy time. Not because of presents or family or even the famous Dresden Christmas Market, though those things are often a blessing, but because Jesus has saved His people from their sins. Have you received this most precious of Christmas presents?

Happy Christmas to all!